Stephen Kerr Brechin Survey

Stephen Kerr is working with local Councillor Gavin Nicol in Brechin and Edzell ward. Take Stephen's Brechin survey to let him know your views.

Stephen Kerr Brechin Survey

  • Current Local issues
  • Your details
What are your top priorities for Brechin? Please pick up to 3 options
What are your top priorities for our country? Please pick up to 3 options.
The SNP Government have been accused of doing too little to help local people and businesses impacted by last October’s devastating Storm Babet. Do you agree?
First Minister Humza Yousaf has made it clear his number one priority for Scotland is another independence referendum. What’s your view?
Thinking ahead, how are you most likely to vote at the next General Election?
In a close race between the Scottish Conservatives and SNP, which would you prefer?
OPTIONAL: Here are a few ways you can help Stephen campaign locally. Are there any you are able to help us with?